If the coaching industry is growing, why do coaches still struggle increasing their wealth?
We know for a fact that the coaching industry has been booming at a rapid pace for the last years, and more and more people are looking for coaches to help them reach their goals and dreams.
So why are so many coaches still struggling to grow their coaching business?
I found this common struggle in my early coaching days and in so many of my coaching clients years after.
That took me to start digging deep into understanding why this was happening when there should be so much wealth and so many opportunities for new coaches to expand their impact and live the life of their dreams.
What I found (spoiler alert!) was that it all came down to not having the right tools.
And I'm not talking about their skills, methodology, or marketing strategies.
Find out what tools I'm talking about in this video I made to share my findings with you, in hopes it will bring some clarity on your journey.
Join Ajit in this latest Free Masterclass where he bursts the 4 most common myths in the industry that are holding you back from starting your coaching business. Click here to learn more and sign up
How To Start A Profitable Coaching Business And Land An Ideal Client In 21 Days Or Less
Free Masterclass with Ajit Nawalkha